With a population of 1,499, Rincon is a must-see destination in , Puerto Rico. It is one of the most popular cities to visit in the country. Rincon deserves at least 2 full days for you to see its main sights.
If you’re looking for affordable options, AquaViva (10 Calle Comercio) and Capriccio Trattoria (Esquina, Cll Muñoz Rivera & Cll Comercio) are great picks.
Looking for warm weather? Then head to Rincon in June, when the average temperature is 27 °C, and the highest can go up to 32 °C. The coldest month, on the other hand, is January, when it can get as cold as 19 °C, with an average temperature of 24 °C. You’re likely to see more rain in August, when precipitation is around 196 mm. In contrast, January is usually the driest month of the year in Rincon, with an average rainfall of 40 mm.
When flying to Rincon, you’ll arrive at Mayagüez Eugenio M De Hostos (MAZ), which is located 14 km from the city centre.
Average rates range from around $271 per night for a double room in a 3-star hotel to $1,966 and up for a 5-star experience. If you’re on a budget, well-reviewed accommodations include Dos Angeles del Mar Bed and Breakfast and Coconut Palms Inn On The Beach.
Economy (Kia Rio or similar) is the most popular car type to hire in Rincon, while also 66% cheaper than other types, on average.